Sunday, December 7, 2008

Carl & Me: Exceptional Toys for Boys

Carl is a three year old who lives in Texas. When he was little, his parents moved from Germany to Texas and opened a little toy store and Carl became President of Toy Testing. The store, Carl & Me, features quality toys from the United States and Europe carefully chosen for boys (and dads)of all ages. While nothing is pink or flowered, all the toys are suitable for girls as well as boys.

Some featured brands are Baufix (Austria), Fagus (Germany), and NIC (Germany).

We've actually been hoping to try Baufix. Linnea just adores tools. When I have to fix or assemble something, she likes to follow right behind me with her "hammah" and "skoos".

Baufix Starter Set

Alma, if you are reading, they also have a workbench.

Fagus Firetruck ($110)

NIC Toys - Creamobil Sweeping Machine ($66.40)

Karen, Carl's mother says "The NIC toys are even better quality than Fagus - heavy and sturdy!" These are toys made for action.

Carl has a blog where he writes about the his life and the store. It is very cute and a fun read.

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