"What's a good deed?", they asked.
The Boom Boom cards from Giving Gifts arrived just in time. What are Boom Boom cards?
Boom Boom Cards Original Deck ($12.00)
Boom Boom cards are a deck of 26 cards. Each card is printed with an act of kindness. You do the act of kindness, log it on the website and pass the card on to a friend.
The girls were very excited to do the good deed. Arielle read the card.
Our first good deed was "Plant a seed!" This was easy because we had cone-flower seeds left over from Arielle's birthday party (more about that in a few days). Cone flowers or Echinacea are especially Earth-friendly because they provide food for birds and butterflies.
The seeds are from Green Bird.
Then we decorated the pots with stickers. Not so Earth-friendly, but fun.
After we did our good deed, I went to BoomBoomCards.com and registered our deck. When you register, you can choose a charity that will receive a donation. We chose NatureBridge, a non-profit organization that helps students connect with nature through activities in outdoor classrooms.
I wrote about our activity and posted the picture. Now, I'm sending the card to Eleanor who will write about her family's experience.
The next card says make a card for someone who lives far away. Good idea. The girls can't wait.
Giving Gifts is a Canadian company that sells eco-friendly and fair trade toys and gifts that are good for both the recipient and the environment.
In addition to the Boom Boom Cards Family Edition ( $16.00) that we used, they sell beautiful Blabla bird rattles ($30.00), natural art products, Envirosax (cool Sesame Street ones), lunch boxes and other treats.
Giving Gifts has offered our readers ten percent off all purchases. The code is "Sara10." That's another good deed.
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