Sunday, October 12, 2008

Doll House Furniture by Plan Toys

Our doll house is an older Plan Toys doll house. I got it on eBay a few years ago with a mishmash of doll house furniture. Some was nice and sturdy, some was not. And, even the good sturdy furniture, didn't do so well when tromped on by teenage boys. So, early this summer, the time came for some new doll house furniture.

The Plan furniture is made is made in Thailand of natural, chemical free recycled rubber wood and finished with non-toxic water based dye. It is, of course, scaled to be the perfect size for Plan doll houses and it is tough enough to handle little sisters who like to throw objects and dump things on the floor.

Our doll house gets played with every day. The residents include doll house dolls, but also finger puppets and small stuffed animals. You never know who or what will be home.

Here's Linnea enjoying playing with the nursery furniture while Arielle is at preschool. If you peer carefully, you can see she rearranged the doll house in her signature post-natural disaster style.

The rest of the pictures are of rooms arranged by Arielle, followed by product pictures from KangarooBoo.

Nursery ($18.99) with everything a baby or duck needs.

($18.99) because potties are important.

Kitchen ($18.99) - the toaster and tea kettle are my favorites!

Living Room

All the doors and drawers open, of course. I love the bright colors of the furniture and they mirror the bright colors in the newer Plan doll houses.

Chalet Doll House ($129.99)

Contemporary Doll House

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