Tuesday, November 27, 2007

You can make a toy!

If you are like me at all, you are thinking, "No. No I cannot make a toy. It will be a disaster." You know what? You may be right, but I think that the fun is in the trying, in the journey. I lay before you the totality of my toy making journey thus far. There have been some utter failures, some triumphant moments, and some so so products. But, I am trying, and you should to. Hey, it really can't get any worse than this doll I started.

The poor dear is trying hard to be a pretty thing. Unfortunately her hair is uneven, I did not attend beauty school people, and her embroidered mouth is already holier than a church. I have not even attempted the eyes and of course there is the fact that she is just a head. Poor dear. I have not however, given up. I will re-do the hair, try and salvage the mouth, and press on. Someday.

After this sad attempt a friend inspired me to try a sock monkey. What could be easier? They seem very rustic and folk artsy to me, so I figured they would lend themselves well to my, um, special way of making things. Well, it is folksy. The artsy part is still under hot debate in my house. He is now named Chips, and though I think he is so ridiculous, my four year old adores him. To my horror he even took Chips to preschool. The kids loved him. So you see, even toys you deam a failure can be a success with our dear little munchkins.

As all this had gone so well I decided to pick up another hobby, knitting. Though I got into the knitting world to make wool covers for my youngest I have yet to finish a single piece. However...I have made a hat and three of these adorable, if I do say so myself, gnomes. The first, admittedly, was a bit obese, as I played with the pattern. A silly idea if you don't even know how to read a knitting pattern. But it was complete, and the kids loved it. I then made another, a much more true to form gnome, and he has found a home where I am sure he is being chewed on, thrown in the air, and hopefully loved. No pictures of him, so sorry! The third is pictured here, the red guy, and is my favorite so far. His hat matches a hat I made for his new toddler friend, Theo. All in all I'd say that knitting toys is fun, easy, and rewarding. It felt so nice to actually finish a knitting project.

Lastly for your viewing pleasure and maybe even inspiration, is a sock monster. My theory is that the monkey has certain standards that I had a hard time meeting. Namely, it had to look like a monkey. Now a sock monster on the other hand...well this creature looks better the stranger he is. Just my style. I may actually give him as a gift, a first for my toy sewing "creations."

Have I inspired you or scared you silly? My hope is that you see how fun and hilarious toy making can be. If you are a skilled crafter you may have already made some beautiful toys. I would love to see them. If not then comment here and let me know. Pictures are a must!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love our work. You have inspired me to try one now. Thank you!